
Webhooks receive messages based on events triggered in the system, they are an important part of your payment integration. Webhooks are responsible for notifying you about events that happen on your accounts, such as pending, successful, or failed transactions.

You can use Webhooks to configure and receive notifications when a specific event occurs. When one of these events is triggered, we send a POST payload in JSON which contains the details about the event, to the webhook's configured URL. Setting up a webhook allows us to notify you when these payments are completed. Payaza sends webhooks for:

  • Collection
  • Payout
When to use webhooks

Webhooks are event-based and enable real-time updates of third-party systems as they are triggered and sent out immediately when specific events related to the transaction happen. They're useful for methods and events that occur outside your application's control, such as:

  • Getting paid via mobile money or USSD
  • pending payment transactions to successful

These are all non-simultaneous actions—they are not controlled by your application, so you won't know when they are completed unless we notify you or you check later. You can set up Webhooks from your Payaza Dashboard and configure separate URLs for Live mode and Test mode.

Setting Up Your Webhook
  • Login to your Payaza dashboard
  • Click on settings in the navigation
  • Click on API Key and Webhooks on the tab
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