Payaza's Web SDK is used for integrating our Checkout SDK into merchants' websites to receive payments for various goods and services. Merchants can integrate our Web Checkout SDK through the following steps.

Using CDN

Add the cdn in the head of your html document

<script defer src="https://checkout.payaza.africa/js/v1/bundle.js"></script>

Using npm or yarn
npm install @payaza/web-sdk@0.1.0-beta.12


yarn add @payaza/web-sdk@0.1.0-beta.12

When using CDN

Use the PayazaCheckout.setup(options: object) to initialize your class and the method showPopup() to show the popup

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <script defer src="https://checkout.payaza.africa/js/v1/bundle.js">

<script defer>
  function handleButtonClick() {
      const payazaCheckout = PayazaCheckout.setup({
          merchant_key:  "PZ78-PKLIVE-5F2395E0-1ED3-422B-A3WD-0FE05467879BC",
          connection_mode: "Live", 
          checkout_amount: Number(10),
          currency_code: "NGN", 
          email_address: "johndoe@gmail.com",
          first_name: 'Big',
          last_name: 'Maitre',
          phone_number: "01232425262",
          transaction_reference: "PL" + Math.floor(
              (Math.random() * 10000000) + 1

      // You can set the onClose and callback function as described below
      function callback(callbackResponse) {
          console.log('callbackResponse: ', callbackResponse)

      function onClose() {
          window.location.href = 'https://webhook.site/ed6dd7-dfcf-44a3-8fa7-4cc1a9'


      // Display popup
  }//end function handleButtonClick


<button onclick="handleButtonClick()">Proceed!!!</button>

When using npm or yarn

You can use the sdk any of the following ways

and if you are using typescript

if the setup function conflict with one of your functions, you can rename it


The callback function is an event hook through which Payaza sends data.

Callback Response object


To avoid any error, ensure that all requested parameters are provided in the right format before initiating the transaction.


  • merchant_keystring

    Your Public API key

  • connection_modestring

    Connection mode. (Live or Test)

  • checkout_amountdouble

    Amount to charge the customer

  • currency_codestring

    It refers to the code of the currency(NGN, USD etc.).

  • email_addressstring

    The email address of the customer

  • first_namestring

    The first name of the customer

  • last_namestring

    The last name of the customer

  • phone_numberint

    The phone number of the customer

  • transaction_referencestring

    The unique identifier given to a particular transaction by the merchant.

  • payaza_referencestring

    This is Payaza's transaction reference that is returned in the callback response for the transaction. This is unique and no 2 transactions can have the same reference.

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